New born child as a watcher

A new born child is not only crying, he cannot speak nor move, but with his open eyes he watches everything in front of him. This enables the child to adjust with his newly found environment by which he gets the vitality of survival, unknowingly. He becomes an innocent watcher. The child watches whom? Basically to recognize Mother.

When the baby was in womb there is nothing to watch. After he comes to the world light falls on his eyes, shadows appears in his eyes, different shapes come to his eye-sight and he cries. Then he find safety and reliance in the lap of his mother and sleep sweetly. As the river flows constantly, the time also proceeds on, and the baby tries to watch everything from new angle of view. He begins to learn and come to know the people around him. He watches the people making sound with their mouth or by hands and with laugh. They tender him. He watches the expressions, hear the sounds, and realize the tendering with joy. He also tries to respond, try to laugh, try to make sound, and try to show the impressions. What seems new to him, he watches staring all along. When he falls down from bed or from standing position, he feels the pain and learns not to fall again. If he watches other baby, he tries to tender, as we do. He watches the day, watches the night and learns to differentiate between day and night. He watches that everybody tries to take attention of him with a specific sound and realize it is his name and then respond accordingly.

Image of babie, Wallpaper, Image, Photo of infant

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